Barney Frank Gives it Back on Obama and Health Policy in Town Hall Meeting

On August 18, 2009 Barney Frank was in a town hall meeting in Dartmouth, Massachusetts. A woman in the audience compared Obama to Hitler and asked Frank why he supported a Nazi policy. Frank laid into her -- eventually comparing a conversation with her to having a conversation with a dining room table. It almost instantly went up on YouTube, and took off. Two characterizations of the event: Wpost, Mahalo.

When I started searching on August 19 I could only go back as far as 2:45 a.m. on the 19th. So I could not get back to the first tweets about the incident.

I started to collect streamgraphs, but the program went bonkers.

The Archivist data file of Twitter micro messages is:

Barney Frank

The YouTube version of the video is at

Views continue up, but now very slowly

Trendistic produced the following figure for Twitter messages about Barney Frank.


September 11, 2009 -- it is time to stop the data collection for Barney Frank. There are still some messages every day, but they are no longer related to the health care town meeting and his response to the young woman calling it a Nazi program.

Archivist found 20,863 micro messages during the August 18 through September 11. The trendistic figure gives a pretty good picture of how quickly it shot up and then how quickly it disappeared.

The .txt file that can be read by Excel to acquire the data is: Barney Frank.txt